PCOS: Preschooler

Results 11-20 from 105 articles

Fertility Issues

D.H. asks from Saginaw

Hi, I am trying this drug to help us conceive. It is called clomid. I was wondering if anyone out there has tried this drug or any other method and if you have any ...


Injectable Fertility Meds

D. asks from Minneapolis

I am looking for words of encouragement as I don't have alot of people to talk to about this. I have finished my 2nd round of folistim (slightly hyperstimulated) wit...


Spotting During Pregnancy

J.F. asks from Johnson City

I am pregnant with my 2nd child due in Aug 2008, i am 9 weeks 2 days and for the last couple of days i have noticed when i go to the bathroom there is some dark brown...


PCOS And Explaining to 4 Yo That Hard to Have Another Baby

B.B. asks from Los Angeles

It was a miracle my friend got pregnant with her daughter. She is 4 now and is asking everyday for a brother or sister. My friend finds it hard to explain why she can...


Seeking Advice What to Do After a Miscarriage and Having PCOS

A.H. asks from Oklahoma City

This is such a personal thing to have happen to me, but I thought I would share this story to get some support. Some of you know that I have pcos(polycystic ovary syn...


PCOS - Insulin Resilient & Ovary Drilling

J.R. asks from Saginaw

Howdy everyone ~ I am 31 years old and have been TTC for almost 4 years. I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and by God’s will had my first son without me...


Getting Pregnant Blues

C.H. asks from Charleston

Hey everyone, my husband and i have been really trying to get pregnant for about 5 months now with no success. People say that I need to be patient and not think abo...


Fertility Issues for Women with Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (POS)

G.C. asks from New York

Has anyone who was diagnosed with POS (Polycystic ovaries syndrome) been able to get pregnant and what was the wait time and complication with diabetes, heart disease...


39/40 Too Old to Be Pregnant?

M.S. asks from Omaha

I am 39. I'll be 40 in March 2011. My husband is 35. We have 2 girls, ages 5 yrs and 20 months old. I have been tossing the idea around of having another baby. I don'...


Seeking Info on PCOS and Dr. in the St. Louis Area

V.B. asks from St. Louis

Hi, I have been diagnosed with PCOS about 7 months ago. I curetnly am taking metphorman and clomid (150) and still am not ovulating. My OB wants me to seek out a sp...