I have two boys, age 15 and 11, and am trying to figure out what to do with them over the summer that won't cost me hundreds of dollars each week.
Any ideas?
My son has the opportunity to go to camp in northern Wisconsin. He went last year and loved it. We drove him there and home to Texas. It is too expensive to drive now...
My daughter moved in to my Northern VA home when she graduated from high school in Virginia Beach (and her Mother and Step-Dad and 5 brothers n sisters moved away to...
Hi--I'm working on a new program to promote building strong bones to girls in middle school. My daughter, however, is still only 2. Do any of you moms out there hav...
I have 2 beautiful daughters who love their father dearly. In February, my ex and I agreed to let him have the girls for 6 weeks over the summer. He asked for this am...
For the first time my husband has decided to use part of our Christmas break to take my oldest son camping with the boy scouts. My oldest daughter who is in the Vent...
My husband and I agreed to take a vacation this summer, but with flights as inconvenient and costly as they are, we decided to find something within driving distance ...
Help! Please anyone do you know of a camp or school that takes troubled teenagers. I'm a single parent with not a lot of money. A little history my son is 16 yrs o...
My 13 yr. old daughter has anger management issues and I have been searching the web for either teen programs or counseling programs that can help us. I did find some...
Any one have any ideas on a family project? We have 16 year old and 11 year old boys. I would like to have a family project to work on with them to get them away fr...