Optometrist: Toddler

Results 41-50 from 512 articles

6 Month Old Has Been Tilting Her Head to Side....

M.L. asks from Nashville

Curious if anyone has had this issue. My 6 month old daughter seems to randomly tilt her head to the left every once in awhile. She does it enough for me to notice ...


My 18 Month Old Has a Lazy Eye, Any Tips or Suggestions Would Be Helpful.

M.H. asks from Hickory

My 18 month old has a lazy eye, how do you keep a patch on a very active baby? She hates wearing hats and anytime we put a pair of sunglasses on her she jerks them ri...


Toddler That May Need Eye Glasses

B.L. asks from San Diego

I have a 2-year old that blinks hard/repeatedly when she needs to focus on things that are far away or when extremely tired. I've read it could be a stage she's going...


Eye and Nose Question- 7 Month Old

R.A. asks from Chicago

EYE-Anyone ever experienced and eye that tears, not a clogged tear duct, and not pink eye however there is some redness on the cheek bone(looks like windburn..) of th...


3 Month Old with Puffy Eye

S.D. asks from San Francisco

My three month old has one eye that is a little puffy and bruised looking. It looks like he has a little bit of a black eye but it has not gotten better or worsened i...


Are Miraflex Frames Durable for Children?

J.J. asks from San Francisco

my 4 year olds optometrist recommended Miraflex frames. I would like to know if they are worth it and how safe they are for my child


Eye Dr or Pediatrician?

J.C. asks from Dallas

My two year old is beginning to show signs of a lazy eye. Do we take her to the pediatrician or to an eye dr? And if it is an eye dr would it be an optometrist or an ...


Exotropia-16 Month Old Diagnosis-anyone Familiar?

A.C. asks from Dallas

I have noticed my daughters eyes sometimes wandering since about birth - i'm the only one who could really see it- finially the husband saw it too - so we went on mon...


Seeing a Strange Glow in 4 Month Old Babie's Eye!

D.M. asks from Omaha

Over the past week or so I have notices an unusual glow in my babies left eye. I am aware of Retinoblastoma which causes a glow in the pupil of a babies eye from ligh...


5 1/2 Month Old, Does Not Look You Straight in Eye, Is That Normal?

V.R. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 5 1/2 month old grandson named Esai and I have noticed that when people walk into the room, he never looks directly at you. He lift his head to look but it ...