Nutrition: Adult Child

Results 131-140 from 232 articles

Parenting Skills for 21 Year Old Adult Brother

L.D. asks from Chicago

I need parenting skills (not kicking him out) but skills on how my parents can help him. He was supposed to graduate from college this year but failed all his clas...


Giving Money at a Funeral?

M.6. asks from New York

I am just curious as to what folks feel is "tradition" regarding giving money at a funeral. Obviously, there is no right or wrong answer, but I ran into this recentl...


I Need Some Ideas

J.W. asks from Detroit

My son turned one on October 8th and because my husband I were moving that weekend into our new home, we weren't able to plan his party for that day. So I am having h...


Mom Seeking Help with 16 Yr Son

H.C. asks from New York

There seems to be a problem between my son and I. I feel I only yell at him, which is true, but it seems I can't ask him to do anything. We are in the process of sell...


Is It ADD or Something??

C.B. asks from Columbus

My step daughter is in the 4th grade. Her teachers requested a conference to tell us she is not doing well in school. She's almost failing! They say she's constantly ...


Advice on Stopping Cuticle and Nail Biting

J.G. asks from New York

Does anyone know of an effective but harmless method of stopping one's child from biting his nails and cuticles? My son is 9 years old and his habit has gotten worse ...


Upset by Comment About School Shootings

K.S. asks from Denver

I was a little thrown off and offended while talking to my sister just a bit ago. She had been considering moving her family from New England back home to Colorado, w...


19 Year Old Daughter Left Home Without Telling Us

L.B. asks from Provo

Our 19 year old daughter left for New York City while my husband and I were at work. She never told us she was going. She left letters saying she wanted to find herse...


Will Soon Go Crazy!!!!

Q.P. asks from Dallas

I am a city girl just trying to adapt to a new way of life.I relocated to this area to give my kids a better way of life which is great for them but it seems that I a...


Focus Formula and ADHD

F.P. asks from St. Louis

Has anyone tryed a product called Focus Formula? It is an herbal product to help ADHA. I have done research on it and heard that it works well from another mother. M...