Night Waking & Crying: Toddler, Nuby

Results 31-40 from 388 articles

Finger Food for 14 Month Old & Sippy Cups

J.P. asks from Lexington

I have a 14 month old daughter who is a picky eater. I feel like I feed her the same things over and over every day. I can't find any vegetables she likes. She lov...


1 Year Old - Eating Habits/Schedule

L.L. asks from New York

I think some of you misinterpreted my request to mean that my son is not eating table food. He is eating all kinds of table food. The only reason that I am still gi...


Back to Work - Two Baby Questions Feeding and Sleeping

R.C. asks from Raleigh

I am Mom to a 20 month old and a 3 month old. I am now back to work. My husband is taking vacation to be at home with the baby for 3 weeks and we are having some majo...


5 Month Old Does Not Accept Bottle

S.G. asks from Seattle

Hi All, My nearly 5 month old son exclusively breastfed till 3 months. After that i have been trying getting him onto bottle with no success so far. Have tried lot...


6 Month Old Stopped Bottle-feeding - Only Wants to Breastfeed

K.P. asks from Dallas

Hi, My daughter is 6 months old. She has been breastfed and was drinking one bottle of formula at night before bedtime. My husband would also feed her a bottle of ...


Weaning a 12 Month Old Breastfed Baby

K. asks from Kansas City

I am in the process of weaning my 12 month old breastfed son. I am really finding it difficult to wean him from his early morning and before bed feedings. He will n...


21 Month Old Waking up to Eat at 5Am?

A.C. asks from San Francisco

Right, first off, I know it's partly my husband and my fault that this is happening now, but we need help getting her to go back to sleep at 5am when she wakes up. ...


Night weaning...part 2

J.W. asks from Pueblo

I have recently started the fun job of night weaning. I would like to wean my son before he's two in December. For the most part, I can get him to go to sleep without...


Weaning My 12 Month Old

C.S. asks from Washington DC

My daughter is just turning 11 months old, and I want to wean her off breastfeeding in about month when she's 1, because I plan to go back to work. The problem is tha...


12 Month Old Won't Drink Cold Milk

M.I. asks from Denver

My son has recently switched from formula to whole milk which he doesn’t seem to have a problem with. The problem is that he refuses to drink it cold, it has to be...