Night Waking & Crying: Toddler, Nuby

Results 11-20 from 388 articles

20 Month Old Daughter Will Not Take Milk from a Cup

A.W. asks from New York

My little girl will not drink milk from a cup. We have tried all types of sippy cups with all kinds of characters on them, but she refuses. SHe will drink juice or ...


Weaning 12 Month Old

J.F. asks from Goldsboro

I am trying to wean my exclusively breastfed child and would like any advice on this. He had been nursing 4 times a day, one before am nap, pm nap, bedtime, and one ...


My 13 Month Old Is Picky, picky...picky!

M.S. asks from Portland

My 13 month old little guy is ALL boy, except for his eating habits. Ever since he's realized he can eat what mommy is eating (to a point), that is all he wants. Bu...


NO Bottle at Night

A.S. asks from Detroit

My Daughter is going to be a year old in a couple of days, The last couple of days probably about a week now, she has not taken a bottle at night. If i try to feed it...


Mother Trying to Stop BREAST FEEDING!

C.A. asks from Boston

I have been breast feeding my son for 14 months and he has never taken a bottle and has not slept through the night yet. So I want to get him to stop but he won't he ...


8 Month Old Will Not Nurse During the Day - Only at Night

L.S. asks from New York

My son is 8 months old and is quite heavy for his age (about 25 lbs). He eats 3 meals a day but drinks almost nothing all day (will only take a tiny bit of water or ...


Feeding Baby

N.K. asks from St. Louis

hi, i have a 10 mos old daughter and we are starting to omit midmorning and afternoon bottles. we are keeping early am and bedtime bottles for now. our pediatritions...


Bottle Feeding

N.B. asks from Kansas City

I am having a very hard time getting my son to take a bottle. I am a stay at home mom so he always has the breast available! He is 11 weeks old and I am trying to g...


What Do I Feed My 14 Month Old

M.K. asks from Los Angeles

My baby boy is now 14 months old and my husband and I still rely to much on formula...even though we now use Similac Grow & Go good for ages 9 months to 24 months. I...


12 Month Old Won't Drink Milk

W.B. asks from New York

I am weaning my 12 month old daughter and she will not drink milk from the sippy cup. She will drink water from the cup, but not milk. Any suggestions/strategies woul...