Night Waking & Crying: Toddler, First Response

Results 51-60 from 87 articles

What Would You Say?

W.L. asks from Denver

I ran into a friend that I see off and on at the library. She has 3 kids-the youngest one being 3 years-old. She made a comment that really thew me. Looking over at m...


How Do You Know When....

M.F. asks from Boston

Hi,this is my first request... so let me see wher do i start my husband and i are parents to a beautifal baby girl she is 6.5 months old and she is wonderful, My moth...


Giving Milk to Go to Sleep

D.T. asks from San Francisco

Is it bad to give my son(12 months) milk right before he falls asleep? He has dinner at around 5pm and then eats a little bit of table food with mom & dad. Then he...


Advice for Breastfeeding First Time Mom

T.W. asks from Detroit

My milk supply can't keep up with my 6 week old daughter's appetite. By mid afternoon I'm only able to produce approx 2oz for my 4-6oz eater. (I began pumping to gage...


Crawling? When Should It Start?

L.D. asks from New York

Hi, My son is going to be 8 months next week and still has not started or even shown signs of crawling. He can lift his upper body up, but has not desire to get on ...


What Would You Do?

D.M. asks from Albuquerque

Hi! I just won a trip for 2 to LA for the Wango Tango music festival. I thought that maybe I would take my 9 YO daughter since Hannah Montana and Jonas Brothers wil...


When Is It a Good Time to Start Pumping While Breastfeeding

K.W. asks from Las Vegas

I am breastfeeding my 3 week old and trying to figure out the best times to pump to start to store up milk for when I go back to work at 12 weeks. Is it better to pum...


Best Formula

B.R. asks from Dallas

Our baby is 8 months old and I've exclusively breast fed him from birth. I've gone back to work and I'm starting to wean him and introduce formula. What is the best...


Bad Eczema

E.T. asks from Los Angeles

My 5 mos. old daughter has a really bad eczema. It's all started to show on her ears and cheeks last month. And, now I found these dry spots all over her thighs and b...


Breastfeeding Help

J.C. asks from Davenport

My son will be five months old next week and I have been exclusively breastfeeding thus far and really happy doing so. Resently I have noticed that when I pump during...