Night Waking & Crying: Toddler, First Response

Results 1-10 from 87 articles

Getting 2 Month Old to Sleep Through the Night

A.H. asks from New York

My 2-month old is still feeding every 3-4 hours at night and we are patiently waiting for him to stop the 3am feeding so that my husband and I can get more sleep! I ...


8 Month Old Won't Sleep Through the Night Anymore! Why?!!!

B.S. asks from Columbia

My daughter has been sleeping through the night (12 hours) since she was 9 weeks old. For the last few nights, though, she has woken up sometime between 1am and 3am. ...


18 Month Old Gets Ear Infections with Every Cold

S.B. asks from San Francisco

My son gets an ear infection with every cold he gets. He's seen an ENT, and they recommend he get tubes if he gets another infection. My husband and I are against t...


14 Month Old Won't Take Milk in Sippy!

T.M. asks from Tampa

Hello Everyone. My 14 month old daughter will not drink milk out of her sippy cup. She was down to 2 bottles a day (1 morning and 1 at night). She never needed her b...


9-Month-Old Still Waking up Every 2-3 Hrs Every Night... HELP!

A.L. asks from San Francisco

My soon-to-be nine month old son is still waking up every 2 hours during the night. He wakes up screaming and the only way to get him to stop is by giving him his bot...


How Often Do You Breastfeed an 8 Month Old Typically?

J.G. asks from New York

Hello, I know every child is different, but for anyof you with babies this age, or who have had babies this age, how often to they breastfeed at this age, while eat...


Traveling with 3 Month Old

J.S. asks from San Francisco

Hi, In a few days my 3 month old and I will be traveling to Puerto Rico to visit family. He is a fussy baby and he now likes to sleep and nap while nursing on our ...


Meals for 2 Year Old

J.L. asks from Pittsburgh

Hello! I was wondering if anyone could give me meal ideas for my 2 year old. I know this seems like an easy question, but I am at a loss as to what to give her. All s...


My 4 Month Old Uses Me as a Pacifier and Can't Fall Asleep Without Nursing First

N.C. asks from Los Angeles

I need advice on how to deal with this. My 4 month old is successfully breastfeeding and we are not giving any formula. But since he was born, I always put him to sl...


8 Month Old Boy Becoming Out of Control, Willful and Constantly Hyper

A.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, I am a first time mother who is home, looking for advice. I adore my son but lately he is displaying out of control, whiny behavior. He is willful, and is...