Night Waking & Crying: Infant, Nuby

Results 141-150 from 362 articles

Teething ?

W.C. asks from New York

my daughter just turned 5 months old. lately shes been really grumpy, she usually sleeps through the night but for the past 2-5 days shes been waking up 2-4 times du...


Kicking the Bottle Habit

A.A. asks from Chicago

My daughter is almost 14 months old, and we are trying to stop bottle feeding. She drinks water and juice from her sippy cups, but as soon as we give her a sippy of ...


Getting My 1 Year off the Bottle

L.P. asks from Dallas

My son just turned 1 last week. I would like to start weening him off the bottle as much as possilbe. For the last three days he hasn't had a bottle until night time....


1 Year Old - Eating Habits/Schedule

L.L. asks from New York

I think some of you misinterpreted my request to mean that my son is not eating table food. He is eating all kinds of table food. The only reason that I am still gi...


Teething Troubleshooting

T.N. asks from Dallas

My four month old son will not sleep and hardly eats due to teething. Ive tried teething tablets,teething rings,cold wet washcloths,Tylenol,Orajel and Im at my wits e...


Seeking Advice from Experienced moms:Co-sleeping to Crib for Hysterical 6 Mo Old

A.N. asks from New York

I have a 6 month old girl who has slept with me from day one (my husband works nights and cares for her during the day). We have a consistent bedtime routine, and I n...


Seeking Advice for Transitioning a 16Mos Out of Family Bed

D.H. asks from Los Angeles

I have a sweet and tenacious 16 month old boy who has shared our bed since he was born at home. He sometimes nurses once or twice (on a tough night, teething, etc)a n...


From Formula to Milk

N.P. asks from Salt Lake City

My baby is now 1 and has been given the green light to switch to cow's milk. I have given him a bottle of it and he seemed fine with it. He didn't even flinch at the...


Weaning off Bottle

M.L. asks from Boca Raton

My 18 month old still takes a bottle in the morning and at night. I would love to get rid of it but don't know how to go about it. He drinks from a sippy cup but not ...


Taking a 10Mo to a Concert - Advice/Tips/Opinions

M.L. asks from New York

DH got me tickets for a Colplay concert in late October, and while it would be relatively easy for someone to babysit my son (he'll be 5 in Nov), my DD is another sto...