Night Light: Aquaphor

Results 61-70 from 330 articles

Best Lip Balm (Chapstick) U Would Recommend for 6 Year Old W/ Sever Chapped Lips

J.K. asks from Mansfield

Every winter my daughter gets severe chapped lips. She is 6 years old and uses the lip balms that are usually flavored in kids friendly flavors,etc. She is pretty goo...


Severe Rashes on 8-Month Old Boy

L.C. asks from Dallas

Our poor 8 month old boy is experiencing some pretty bad rashes. It all started when he was 3 months old, and a case of empitigo was mis-diagnosed for a week by the p...


Newborn Questions

A.S. asks from Dallas

I am a new mom, and my son is a week old today. I have questions and need advice from you moms out there. 1. My son will nap anywhere but will only sleep in our be...


Red Bumpy Rash - Not Sure What to Do

M.D. asks from Dallas

My 18month old daughter has developed a red rash w/very small bumps on her girl parts. She has never had a diaper rash other than when she was two weeks old due to m...


Diaper Rash

J. asks from Dallas

My daughter just got this horrible rash on her "area" and we haven't been able to get rid of it. Its just red on the outside and was red on her bottom but that has cl...


7 Year Old with Severe Allergies, Asthma, and Eczema

S.A. asks from Lawton

HI To keep it short my 7 year old son has severe allergies, asthma and eczema and has had since birth. We have seen tons of doctors,dermatologists,allergists,even a c...


Diaper Rash That Won't Go Away!

K.P. asks from Kansas City

My 23 month old little girl has had a bad diaper rash for about 2 months now. It all started in Dec. when she battled diarrhea for about 3 weeks. I can understand h...


Ecezma Sixteen Month Old

L.L. asks from Fort Myers

ANYONE out there know of a good remedy or (management regime for ecezma). So far , this is the list of what I've done and am doing. Nothing has helped him really. 1....


Would Using Method Products Help or Make Eczema Go awayI

M.P. asks from Provo

Hello! Just got back from the doctor getting my son checked out for an ear infection when I had her look at my sons dry skin that wouldn't go away for the past severa...


Despairing Mom Seeking Advice on Severe Eczema Treatments (Natural, Preferred)

A.H. asks from Sacramento

My 6 month old daughter has been bouncing from doctor to doctor for her eczema. It culminated recently in a three day stay in the hospital because it began to impact...