Naps: Infantino

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27 answers

Infantino Vs. Ergo Carrier

Hello Moms! I have a friend thats interested in getting a carrier. I told her that I've read and heard great things about the Ergo Carrier. She sent me an email today and I wanted to know your thoughts/advice, since I only own a sling and have no experience with either the Infantino or the Ergo. I had a quick question. I'm looking for baby carriers...and I definitely don't want the sling. My husband mentioned that you were recommended the ERGO carrier? I read some reviews on it, and it sounds great. But my husband is a bit hesistant...


No More Naps?

My just turned 2 year old seems to not be interested in naps anymore. I was...


What to Do About Naps

My son attends a day care center that has nap time everyday for all ages. He...

Afternoon Naps

22 answers

Problems with Infant in a Car

My grand daughter is 5 months old. She has never been a good rider in the car. I thought she might be car sick, or I thought maybe her car seat was not comfortable, but how can you tell with one so young? This is all new to me because I could put my kids in the car and they would sleep everywhere we went. There were times that I'd put them in the car and drive around if they couldn't sleep. But this baby cries and never sleeps in the car. Any suggestions?