Math: Teen

Results 61-70 from 1,065 articles

Help My Teen Won't Do His Work

T.C. asks from Denver

I am a mother of four with my oldest just about fourteen. He is haveing a lot of trouble in school right now. He is not turning in classwork or homework. He is a very...


Help with Child That Is Struggling in School

N.A. asks from Philadelphia

Hi moms My DS is currently in middle school and in 8th grade. For quite some time, I have seen him get more and more disinterested in school. He only cares about...


Teenage Boy and Jr High

L.G. asks from Rockford

I'm looking for advice on ways to get my 13 yr old son to bring up his grades in school. He is a D average student and is fine with that. I ofcourse am not! has anyon...


Gifted Program Suggestions?

K.M. asks from New York

My daughter is 15 now and she took a real IQ test when she was 12. The result was 128. She loves a challenge, and took the SAT when she was 13 just for fun. (Verbal p...


How Do I Tell My Mom I Failed 2 Classes?

J.S. asks from Philadelphia

So my whole life I did public school and I never got lower then a B. I always had good grades, was vp in student council, was student of the month, was in charge of c...


Seeking Advice and Support in Dealing with a Difficult Teen

W.C. asks from New York

I have three sons. My middle one is turning 15 and has recently started to disobey and disrespect me. He had always done good in school and was a pretty good kid, b...


Should a Grounding Last All Summer?

T.P. asks from San Francisco

I am double guessing wether I am being too harsh or too leniant. My twin 15 y.o. boys carried a solid f throughout their whole sophmore year. Yes both of them. Their...


Motivation for 16 Yr Old Daughter

T.H. asks from Columbus

my 16, soon to turn 17 yr old daughter just doesn't care about her grades. We just received her report card and she failed a class (Math) and is getting multiple D's...


Help Getting 16 Yr Old on Track for College!

T.S. asks from New York

My 16 yr old girl is my biggest challenge. She is smart but does not apply herself at school. I try to explain she will end up in community college when the goal is p...


15 Yr. Old Son Wants to Quit School.

M.R. asks from Las Vegas

15 year old son wants to quit school. I've tried talking to him and all he says is that he doesn't like school. Help! Any suggestions or advice welcomed...