Math: Teen

Results 161-170 from 1,065 articles


E.C. asks from Los Angeles

My soon to be 13 yr old daughter has been acting up. I found her diary opened and i know I shouldn't have but read 1 page. Part of me wishes I had not read this but t...


For Real, Why Do We Treat Teens like Children?

J.G. asks from Chicago

A friend and I were discussing this yesterday! I wrote on here the other day that I was allowed to roam around Chicago at 13. Most parents nowadays won't even drop th...


Looking for Ideas on Which Way to Approach Problem with Daughter

R.B. asks from Dallas

We are having issues with my 12 year old daughter and I am looking for ideas and maybe some suggestions of things tried in the past. She has always been an exceptiona...


Angry with Teen Daughter - What to Do?

S.E. asks from Philadelphia

My daughter is failing Algebra. She is a high school freshman. We have gotten her every sort of support we could afford. Three days after the school year ends w...


My son...what to Do...?

C.L. asks from San Francisco

My 15 year old son is failing his classes they were from A's to B's now they are C's , to C-. He is in 3 advance classes and is a Sophomore. My husband and I are be...


Unmotivated Teen Boy

R.S. asks from Austin

Ok, so where do I begin....I have 1 boy who recently turned 13 (7th grader) who is driving me nuts! He has always had a bit of a struggle in school, but each year it ...


Private v Public

T.D. asks from Dallas

I am faced with the never-ending question in the Dallas area -- private or public? I had thought I had resolved this question in favor of public. My son is currentl...


Debate with Husband = Who Is Right?

L.D. asks from Los Angeles

My DH last night told our 13 y/o daughter “Your Mom and I are worried that you will bring home a ‘B’ on your report card now that you are in 8th grade. Homework...


How Do You Know When to Test for ADD or ADHD

C.M. asks from St. Louis

Hi, I am very frustrated with my 8 1/2 yr old son. I don't know if he just is stubborn and doesn't want to listen to me, or if something is wrong as far as his atte...


Discipline Advice for My 16Y

S.H. asks from Seattle

Am I being too hard on my 16 year old daughter? She is a good girl, but hasn't gotten "lazy" (or unmotivated?) over the last few years with school. She's used to e...