Learning: Miracle Blanket

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6 answers

Ready to Wean from Swaddling?

My son is just about 4mos old, and I swaddle him with a Miracle Blanket. I tried to wean him, but after reading several other posts about swaddling decided to continue until he showed signs of being ready. For the past few nights, he's been waking up around 3-4am because he's out of the swaddle and will fall back asleep almost immediately after being reswaddled. He has been waking up from a couple of naps out of the swaddle as well. I tried a sleep sack at naptime, but he just can't fall asleep without his arms being secured. He's not...


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17 answers

5 Month Old Breastfed Baby, Sleep Issues, Formula and Miracle Blanket

I think I may have a unique problem that is a combination of breastfeeding, swaddling, sleep, and sanity... My 5 month old daughter Isabella was never a great sleeper. She cluster fed from the beginning and if it wasn't for the pump I think I would have either given up breastfeeding or jumped off a bridge! A friend of mine highly recommended the miracle blanket which is sort of like a baby straightjacket. It worked in extending her sleep by an hour or two (when she only slept a couple of hours, it was very helpful) and it became...


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16 answers

Bigger Swaddle Wraps?

My son is outgrowing his current swaddles (Kiddopotamus), and because he wriggles out of them in the middle of the night or during naps, he wakes up more frequently. Are there different sizes (length is mostly the issue--he's close to 24 inches), and if so, where do I buy them? I don't want to spend a ton of money and have already heard of The Miracle Blanket. If at all possible, I would love a shop conveniently located to the Bothell-Kirkland border. Thanks!


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15 answers

Frequent Waking in 4-Month-Old Baby

Hello! My daughter just turned four months old and is waking several times throughout the night (anywhere from a few times to almost hourly). She was like this as an infant until we bought the Miracle Blanket swaddler. She then began sleeping through the night (10-hour stretches!). I've read that most babies should be weaned from swaddling around 3 to 4 months, so we stopped swaddling her, and she just does not sleep well without it. When she wakes, I give her her binky, and she'll fall back to sleep until the next waking. I do not...