My baby girl is 4.5 months old. She was 8lb, 3oz, 20.5 in at birth. At her 4-month checkup, she was 16 lbs, 8 oz, and 27 in. Basically, she's in the 90th percentil...
I have a unusual situation on my hands but I'm hoping somone will have some idea of how to help! My dd is almost a year old...she has breastfed and taken a bottle of ...
My son is 11 months old and has what we believe is rotavirus. No we haven't been officially tested, but the diarrhea diapers are horrendous smelling, which is what I...
So my 12 month old son has decided that he is no longer going to eat or drink his bottles. He has never taken to juice and all he will drink at all right now is water...
Help! My daughter, who will be 11 months old next week, has been pooping like crazy for about 4 days now. She will have about 6 - 7 BM's a day, each one filling her d...
Hi ladies,
my one year old son has had diarrhea for 3 weeks now. because of this, I haven't switched him to cow milk. He got better after week 2 but has it again, ...
I'm feeling so bad :( Since yesterday she has had severe mucusy diarrhea and she only vomited once uptil now. She cries in pain every time she pooped and everytime ...
My daughter had a severe case of the flu that lasted for about 1 1/2 weeks. Her doctor told me to give her Pedialyte, however, she refused to drink it or anything el...
baby having stomach flue with motion and not drinking enough or any fluid (Juice, soft drinks or water) than regular amount of milk, Anything I can do?
My 5 month vomits any type of formula or breast milk after being exclusively fed breast milk for 5 months. A CT scan, blood work and x-rays all come back normal - she...