Job Hunting: Myself, The First Years

Results 1-10 from 46 articles

Your Money, Her Money, My Money, Our Money....

J.B. asks from Houston

This has probably been asked before and I apologize if I'm beating a dead horse, but another post this morning had me thinking. In your household is it his money/you...


How Does It Work in Your Family?

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I have a few questions regarding your kid's grandparents (either side, or both): - How often do the grandparents see the kids? - What is the distance between gran...


Does Anyone Homeschool and Work Full-time?

F.D. asks from New York

I'm currently looking for full-time work (and feeling a tremendous sense of guilt). My son is 3.7 and my daughter 18 months. When I eventually find a job again, I w...


College: Who Pays? Child or Parent?

K.L. asks from Memphis

Do you think that a child's first four years of college is the parent's responsiblity if the parent did not save for it?


Perfect Timing?

M.S. asks from Houston

I am 6 months pregnant (1st time mom!), due on June 14 and graduating with my BS in May. I am really excited about both being a mom and graduating college. It seems l...


My Marriage Is in Trouble...

K.S. asks from Fort Collins

Hi ladies..I was almost 41 when I married for the first time, I was very particular about the men I even dated, and have often said I know why I waited so long to get...


A Question to Stay at Home Ladies

S.R. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi, I'm 29 years old with 2 girls, one 6 and one 4. I have been married for 7 years and for those 6 years I have been a stay at home mom. My husband was not too hap...


Stressed Out About Bills, Marriage and Everything in Between

R.J. asks from Las Vegas

I'm not sure if I even have a question in mind. More like venting and trying to get some advice. I am a married woman with 2 small children. I was a stay at home m...


Failure to Thrive

S. asks from Washington DC

I took my daughter for her 18 month check up on Wednesday. The nurse practitioner examined her and since she had only gained 3 ounces since August, she ordered a uri...


Husband Gone a Lot

J.M. asks from Oklahoma City

I just wanted to know if anyone has a husband that travels and works a lot. My husband is gone quite a bit for his job and I am becoming increasingly frustrated. Ou...