In the Womb: Playtex

Results 31-40 from 68 articles

What Do I Need??

J.A. asks from San Francisco

Hi all, I'm a first time mom to be, expecting a baby boy in 5 weeks and can't wait!! Any advise on the things you couldn't live without? We have a crib, car seat,...


Beyond Stressed Out, My Son Wont Eat.

S.P. asks from Seattle

My husband is currently deployed and I am learning to take care of my two kids (3 and 4 months) all by myself. You can only imagine my stress level right now. its pre...


Want to Breastfeed but Only Want to Pump and Feed with Bottle. Advise?

J.H. asks from Pocatello

I am 26 weeks right now. While I was not intending to breastfeed, due to financial reasons and pressure I have decided to. The thing is that I have very mixed feeling...


Is It Me, or Are Avent Bottles Garbage?!?

M.R. asks from Chicago

I've been using Avent bottles to feed my son pumped breastmilk ever since I brought him home from the hospital about a month ago. Lately, it seems as if the bottles ...


Looking for Information About Breast Pumps!

D.M. asks from Pittsburgh

I have awhile to go with my pregnancy, but I thought that I would start researching my options regarding breastfeeding now. I have a 3 year old whom I didn't breastfe...


Infant with Reflux

C.S. asks from Wichita Falls

I have a almost 5 month old baby boy with reflux. He was born 13 weeks early. The doctor has him on previcid and it has not seemed to work. We have him on the Similic...


When Is Enough Enough with Trying to Breastfeed?

M.M. asks from Charlotte

My little girl is 23 weeks old and was exclusively breastfed until a month ago. I had for months been questioning my supply, but was assured by lactation consultants...


Breastfed 8 Month Old Won't Switch to Formula

A.P. asks from Bloomington

I have an 8 month old daughter who is breastfed and I cannot get her to take a bottle with formula. My milk is starting to dry up and I have to admit (selfishly) tha...


Opinions Wanted for First Time Mom!

A.A. asks from Las Vegas

ok... sooo ever sense my baby was about 3 weeks old he cried alot..when I told my doctor she thought he had colic and put him on a hyperalergenic formula.. I started ...


No Bottle, No Sippy Cup, What Did You Do?

R.S. asks from Chicago

Anyone else out there have a baby who refused a bottle and pushes away the sippy cup? When did it change? Our 8 month old took a bottle for the first 3 weeks of her l...