In the Womb: Playtex

Results 21-30 from 68 articles

Pumping or Formula? Help!

M.C. asks from Miami

Hello Ladies, I need some advice from some experienced moms. I am 4 months pregnant with my first child and planning on breastfeeding. After reading about different ...


ANY Advice Helps :(

A.C. asks from Las Vegas

I am currently pregnant with my first child. I was falsely terminated from my job not too long ago. I am high risk, and am rapidly losing all that I have in my accoun...


How Do You Know When....

M.F. asks from Boston

Hi,this is my first request... so let me see wher do i start my husband and i are parents to a beautifal baby girl she is 6.5 months old and she is wonderful, My moth...


New Mom Help - Bottles

C.C. asks from Dayton

I am sending this through again because my first request there seemed to be some kind of error. If this is sent through twice, sorry. My husband and I are having ...


Spittin up Still!!

H.R. asks from St. Louis

Hello all!! My daughter is 4months old now. We have been working with her and her spitting up. The doctor put her on zantac which really doesnt seem to make any ...


Help! New Mom to Be Looking for Advice.

M.B. asks from Toledo

I'm looking for any advice and recommendations from all of you moms out there. This is our first child and I'm not sure which items I should buy or avoid. I'd particu...


Help with the switch...from Bottle to Sippy.

W.B. asks from Allentown

Okay, my first born was easy compared to my second little one. Although they were both premature and premature babies are known to have allergies and asthma and what ...


Help!!! My 11 Week Old Has Really Bad Cramps and Gas Pains Since Birth!

A.M. asks from Fresno

My 11 week old baby has been having really bad cramps and gas pain, I have tried everything changing he's formula to gentalease using mylicon drops and even chamomile...


Advice on Bottle Types

C.S. asks from Kalamazoo

My son is due in June and I am planning on exclusively breastfeeding him, however I do want to pump and have him take a bottle as well so I don't have to worry about ...


Advice on What I Really Need!

M.K. asks from Syracuse

I'm expecting my first baby in December...just looking for some advice/recommendations on what I will definitely need right away in terms of supplies/gear. Also- wou...