Household: Kolcraft

Results 41-50 from 76 articles

Double Stroller for Infant and Toddler

A.W. asks from Atlanta

I have an almost 2 year old and am due in August with baby #2. I have started researching double strollers and need advice. I am looking for something that is not too...


Looking for Recommendations on Travel System

A.M. asks from Kansas City

I am looking to purchase a travel system that is easy to use and has a high safety rating. I know two moms who have highly recommended Chico Key Fit. Any suggestions ...


Help with Infant Carrier!

H.B. asks from Evansville

Oka, with my first child I purchased the Evenflo Snugle Comfort Vent soft carrier. I carried him around in this all the time. Never any problems. My 4 month old is...


Picking Our First Car Seats

S.C. asks from Los Angeles

I am expecting twins in June and I'm starting to research which car seat I should get. Unfortunately, money IS an issue, so I'd like to get one that is relatively aff...


Seeking Input Re: Need for a Double Stroller with a 3 Year Old and Newborn

E.M. asks from Boston

Hi all, we are due with baby #2 in May, when my older daughter will turn 3. My questions is: do I need a double stroller when my older one likes to walk? I am not ...


Double Stroller

L.S. asks from New London

Hi Moms, I am expecting a baby in November and my first born will be two and half. I have the snug ride infant carseat for the car and I have a question about what do...


Advice on Baby #2 and Must-haves for the Second Time Around

S.G. asks from Denver

I am curious to find out what products work best for mother's of 2+ kids! I am pregnant with my second kiddo and I have a two year old at home. He will be 2 1/2 whe...


Double Stroller

R.A. asks from Los Angeles

Dear Moms We need to get a double stroller and wanted to know if there are any you highly recommend and what kinds of things to look for. I'd especially love your ...


Advice on a Double Stroller

M.L. asks from New York

Hi, Moms! I'm in the market for a double stroller. I have a 28-lb nearly-2 year old girl, and I'm expecting my second child around Christmas. I need a stroller that w...


Double Strollers/travel Systems

C.C. asks from Los Angeles

Greetings moms, I have been on this site everyday learning from all of your wisdom and now I need some help. We just discovered we are pregnant with twins and would ...