Health: Nutramigen

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83 answers

Doctors Won't Help My One Year Old with Her Allergies

My daughter just turned 1 last week. She had colic and excema when she was first born. Her pediatrician thought she might have a protein allergy and put her on Nutramigen. We moved to another city and have been through five pediatricians now. Since coming off of Nutramigen and trying solids her excema has come back,she has a constant runny nose and a cough. She scratches so bad she makes her legs bleed. All the doctor's say here is that she has a viral infection. She has had severe symptoms since December and we can get no help. She...


10 answers

Newborn with Bad Gas, Possible Milk Intolerance?

My daughter is 6 weeks old and I think she may have a milk allergy or intolerance but I'm not sure. She cries as though she is in pain throughout the day and when she cries her body gets stiff and when I'm holding her I can feel her pushing as though she is trying to pass gas which makes me think she is constipated. I explained this to her doctor at her 4 week check up and he said it's colic, but I decided to switch her formula from the regular enfamil to enfamil gentlease and things seemed to be better at first, but then she went back to...


Dairy Vs. ?

Hi Moms- I hope someone can help. My 4 1/2 year old son is allergic to milk...

Diapers & Diaper Changing

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8 answers

Breastfed 4 Mth Old Now Refusing Bottle

My 4 mth old daughter usually gets the breast, but on the odd occasion she had no trouble drinking from a nuk bottle - since she was 6 weeks old - whether it was from me, dad or grandma. She did have more burps with the bottle, but no other issues. We recently started giving her some rice cereal mixed with breastmilk once a day on our Ped's recommendation as she has reflux. She eats the rice cereal like she's been doing it all her life. It doesn't seem to bother her tummy and definitely helps with the reflux (she is also on prevacid). ...


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19 answers

Any Moms with Babies on Enfamil Nutramigen?

Hi there, I have a 5.5 month old son who was put on nutramigen because of horrendous belly pain. We noticed immediate relief once we started him on it and I am so thankful. I was wondering if anyone else used this with there babies and if so, when did you try to wean them off it? did you ever try regular formula? He is now eating certain stage 1 baby foods without any issues and i have to wonder if he has outgrown his belly problems. Any advice would be great! Thanks!

Home Remedies

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9 answers

Natural Treatment for Reflux

I have a 9 week old son who I think has a mild case of reflux. About once per week he will have what I think are reflux "episodes". The Dr. suggested Zantac if the episodes start happening more frequently. I am not against trying it but I was curious as to whether or not anyone could recommend some natural remedies as well for reflux. He is already taking gripe water some evenings for Colic. thanks!


Baby Formula Change

Hello..i have a 7 month old who is on Nutramigen origionally for reflux and...


Gas Pain & Fussiness

My 9 week old son has had tummy problems since birth. I stopped nursing at...


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22 answers

How Do I Get My Daughter to Drink Nutramigen?

Hi all, My daughter has many food intolerances and I have been given Enfamil Nutramigen by the doctor for her to drink. The issue is, she will not drink it because it apparantly tastes really bad! It's fine for now as I'm still breastfeeding, but I really wanted to begin weaning her since I have to restrict my diet so much and it's hard (and it's been 7 months, so I'm pretty sick of the no dairy or soy diet). Does anyone have any suggestions about how I can get her to drink it? Any experiece with this formula? Is there a way to make...


Mentally Ill Father

To make a very long story short, the father of my 5 month old daughter has a...

Illnesses & Symptoms

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10 answers

Toddler Version of Nutramigen?

Is there a "toddler formula" like Nutramigen? My 14 old son cannot tolerate cow's milk, lactose free cow's milk, goat's milk, soy milk, or almond milk. I have not tried rice milk or coconut milk. I have tried different formulas. The only thing I found that he could drink was Nutramigen. I am currently getting this on WIC even though he is over a year old. I was wondering if there was a toddler version of Nutramigen that I could try switching him to? Is it ok that he is still drinking Nutramigen? His pediatrician keeps saying we need to...


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26 answers

2 Month Old Needs Prevacid????

Help, mamas! My sweet little two month old DD has been given a prescription for Prevacid by her doc, and it's freaking me out! At her check up, she's perfect: gaining weight (75th percentile), happy, great sleeper, great latch and good eater but... I mentioned how much more often she spit up than our 3 yr old did at her age. And it's a crazy amount, her entire meal sometimes-blah :( Over a nine days (dr asked me to document how often) she projectile vomited 7 times. It's awful. He's prescribed this medication that concerns me-I know it'll...


We Need Sleep!!!

I have an eleven week old little girl that has reflux. She is on prilosec...


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83 answers

Doctors Won't Help My One Year Old with Her Allergies

My daughter just turned 1 last week. She had colic and excema when she was first born. Her pediatrician thought she might have a protein allergy and put her on Nutramigen. We moved to another city and have been through five pediatricians now. Since coming off of Nutramigen and trying solids her excema has come back,she has a constant runny nose and a cough. She scratches so bad she makes her legs bleed. All the doctor's say here is that she has a viral infection. She has had severe symptoms since December and we can get no help. She...


Help with Pneumonia

Hi all, my son will be 4 in October and this is his 4th time getting...


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19 answers

Any Moms with Babies on Enfamil Nutramigen?

Hi there, I have a 5.5 month old son who was put on nutramigen because of horrendous belly pain. We noticed immediate relief once we started him on it and I am so thankful. I was wondering if anyone else used this with there babies and if so, when did you try to wean them off it? did you ever try regular formula? He is now eating certain stage 1 baby foods without any issues and i have to wonder if he has outgrown his belly problems. Any advice would be great! Thanks!


Baby Skin Problem

I took my 6week old to the doctors and was told she has baby acne, she also...

Stages & Milestones

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12 answers

Why Are My Sons Eating Habits Are So Strange?

Hi moms..maybe you can give me some advice on this? My son is 4 1/2 months old, he is a very active generally happy but very fussy baby. He is meeting all of his milestones and is a whopping 19 lbs,(hes not fat, just big) but has always been kind of a fussy eater..i am mostly breastfeeding but some formula (nutramigen) he really only eats for about 5 min on each breast (maximum) and will take about 1 or 2 ounces of formula seems like he sould be eating so much more. he is not on a regular eating schedule..he eats...