Grocery Shopping: Aveeno

Results 11-20 from 58 articles

Hand, Foot, and Mouth

C.D. asks from Dallas

My son is 9 months old and has never been sick...until today! please... I picked him up from his in-home daycare today at 2:30 and he had a very high f...


Eczema in Cheeks

M.D. asks from Boston

I have a 7 month old baby who has eczema in his cheeks, lately when I take him to the beach he cries non-stop. He cries so much people start approaching me asking me ...


What to Use for Eczema

M.K. asks from Chicago

My son has a small patch of eczema on his butt cheeks. The Dr said most lotions should work, just wondering what other moms have used and trust for their little ones...


21 Month Son Has Dry Patches/small Bumps on Skin

K.S. asks from Charlotte

My son was born with tiny bumps on the back of his arms (like mommy). Now, his back is so dry and after bath, the skin on his back turns very red. I use johnson & joh...


4-Month Old with Eczema

A.F. asks from St. Louis

My 4 month-old little boy has really bad eczema (or at least I think that's what it is). It's a red rash (blanches) on his armpits, elbows, feet, and now spreading t...


6 Year Old with Sensitive Eyes

K.F. asks from Salinas

My youngest daughter who is six has had sensitive eyes all her life. We think it may be allergies as it seems to flare up when it's windy and she's outside but over t...


What Do People Think of Couponers?

V.M. asks from Erie

Do they annoy you or do you admire them? what kind of people do you think of as couponers? There have been a few people asking about coupon sites and i just wonder...


Seeking Recommendations for All-natural, Organic Baby Products

G.S. asks from San Francisco

I have just begun reading Gorgeously Green and was APPALLED over the label-reading I have done on the baby products in my home. I can't believe my beloved Cetaphil c...


My 6 Month Old Son Skin Is Soooooo Sensitive!!

K.C. asks from Washington DC

What do you think about going all organic skin, food and everything?? He does suffers from eczema. But I have changed his milk the first few months. He is currently o...


Good Hand Lotion?

S.M. asks from San Francisco

with a toddler and a 5 month old, I am constantly washing my hands, which are now a dry, scaly M.E.S.S. Can anyone recommend a good, cheap lotion that will work with...