My son is 8 months old and weighs 22 pounds. It is time to buy a new car seat. I need suggestion on buying a convertible car seat. Currently we have the baby trend ca...
I am a stay at home mom with 3 kids under 4 and am struggling with paying the bills. I recently refinanced my mortgage and now pay $2000/month including taxes and ins...
I've come upon the age old dilema - which car seat do I buy? My 6 month old daughter has outgrown her infant car seat. She is 19 pounds and 28 inches tall. Current...
I know this happens and its a phase but how do you get through it??? My daughter is a little older then 2 and has started taking off her clothes and diaper at night ...
My daughter is 18 months and weighs 30 pounds and it about 33 inches tall. We have to get a new car seat to accommodate her. We tried a Graco 3 in 1 but the crotch ...
I am looking for booster seat reviews like from consumer reports. We are needing to make our purchase next month. I thought we had a longer time but my son went throu...
Does anyone know whether the booster seats with the bottom and back that use your car's own seatbelt on the kid are connected with a LATCH system? DD is close to bei...
I have a 2 year old son who is tall for his age (he's 3 ft) and is way too big for an intermediate-toddler carseat and has been using a "big kid" car seat for the pas...
I have an almost 3-month-old, and I've been using Pampers up until now. But--we're trying to cut back in some areas, so I'd like to find a cheaper diaper. Does anyo...
Hi, we are planning a plane trip overseas. The only thing is that our flight bback will be arriving at our airport at 9pm, which means after immigration/customs, it ...