My son is 8 months old and weighs 22 pounds. It is time to buy a new car seat. I need suggestion on buying a convertible car seat. Currently we have the baby trend ca...
My little baby is not so little anymore. I have a couple of questions. 1. How old or how much should he weigh before he goes into a front facing car seat? I have ...
Do we really need to bring a car seat for our 21 month old daughter to Italy? People who have been there said not to, they just held their babies..because they were n...
My son is 7 months old, and he's growing out of his infant car seat. I have a 4-door honda civic. Any suggestions of safest, inexpensive Convertible Car seat? I've di...
My baby boy is moving on up in the world! His feet are hanging out of his car seat, so its about the time we get another car seat (the next size up from his current o...
Hi mamas, my husband and I are struggling with what kind of car seat to get, we received a big car seat as a gift, but are wondering if a infant seat with stroller co...
My 9 month is outgrowing the clip in car seat carrier with the bases. I currently have a Chicco. He now weighs 22 lbs and our carrier only goes to 22lbs. We have res...
I'm a first-time Mom to be (in April) and have been trying to figure out what type of car seat to buy. I've had several people tell me their children grew out of the...