Foot & Toe: Infant

Results 111-120 from 6,055 articles

Bringing Sick Baby to Family Gathering...

T.M. asks from Tampa

This is another "I'm irritated" question. We went to MIL's house yesterday for X-mas with them. There was a family member that brought her 5-month old baby who was ...


Gender Problem??

L.R. asks from Las Vegas

I have a 4 year old daughter who is a bit of a tomboy. She will still let me dress her up and fix her hair. She plays with both boys and girls, but primarily with boy...


How Much Time Did Our Husband Take off When Baby Was Born?

L.L. asks from Hartford

I am currently discussing with my husband how many days he should be home after the baby arrives this summer. He has 28 days available including his vacation and pers...


When Can Baby Leave Mommy Overnight?

M.N. asks from Dallas

My babies father and I do not live with eachother and barely get along. But the father still wants to be a part of our son's life and see him as much as possible once...


Co-sleeping with Newborn Baby & Toddler

Y.K. asks from New York

hello, i'm wondering if anyone has experience co-sleeping with a newborn and a toddler plus husband. I'm still pregnant with my second child, but i know that most lik...


Houston, We Have a Problem...

J.B. asks from Houston

Ok, this is for my thinkers on here. I will give a little back story to set the stage. My hobby, I guess you could say is motorcycles, I ride them, work on them etc...


Mom Not Ready for Baby to Have Sleep over at Grandma's

M.B. asks from Decatur

My mother-in-law is pushing me to allow my 4 1/2 month old to have a sleep over at her house. I work FT & I am nursing and really do not want to be away from my baby...


Sleeping Problem

C.V. asks from Houston

My son who will be 12 in may is having a difficult time falling asleep. if he is asleep before midnight it is a miracle. we have tried the no caffein or sugar route...


Advice on Breaking Baby of Dependence on Swaddling

A.D. asks from Raleigh

Hello, Helpful Moms. I have a wonderful 3-month old son who overall is a very good sleeper. My challenge is that he sleeps well only when tightly swaddled, but now ...


In-laws Visiting After Baby Is Born

M.G. asks from Springfield

I have a 7yr old daughter, my husband has no children and we are pregnant with our first (obviously my 2nd). His parents live about 5 states away, mine live the next ...