Fitness: 24 Hour

Results 61-70 from 838 articles

Funeral Out of State

A.G. asks from Raleigh

Need a little help grandmother is currently on 24 hour hospice care and not expected to make it through the weekend. Thankfully we were able to go see her ...


Diaper Rash

S.M. asks from St. Joseph

My son Ryder rarely gets diaper rash but the other day when he came home from a weekend at his Father's he had a very red tooshie. I don't know what could cause such ...


Weight Loss Strategies???

L.C. asks from Chicago

Whats working for you? Ive done it all. I gained a lot of weight during my pregnancies and never took it off the last time, so im very frustrated. Ive tried WW, HC...


C-section This Time....

S.G. asks from Dallas

My 3 year old was V-birth. 24 hour labor, NEVER got regular contractions, not even when pushing, I had a 7 min. 'break'. All of that I can live with again, but the re...


I Want to Lose Weight!

T.C. asks from Dallas

I want to lose weight! My son just turned one and I am still at least 20lbs from my pregnancy weight. I am very frustrated cause I was always the girl who could eat...


JFF Poll: If Your Child Is Home Sick

J.S. asks from Phoenix

My 4 year old wasn't feeling well last night and woke up with a fever. She seems fine this morning but I can't take her to daycare today because of her fever (they w...


Not a Question, Just a Statement... Help!!

J.N. asks from San Francisco

I need to get off the darn computer and pack for our vacation tomorrow!! Need to pack 2 boys, myself, clean out fridge, finish laundry, clean out car, gather trash, g...


We Lost Our Conection.....

A.H. asks from Port St. Lucie

I have a 3 year old little girl that used to connect with me on a level that was out of this world. I stayed home during the day and worked at night while her "daddy"...


Sleep Question for a 2 Month Old

C.O. asks from New York

I am trying to determine how much sleep my 2 month is actually getting in a 24 hour period. Some days are good and of course some are awful. The problem is that he w...


Low Milk Production

D.P. asks from Boston

Hello there! My new baby arrived 5 weeks early and is only 7 days old. Because he came early he is in the NICU but is doing great and will be home before we know ...