First Aid Products: Child

Results 81-90 from 1,345 articles

We All Know I LOVE Pot-stirring...

D.P. asks from Pittsburgh

So, I ask another question. When the govt is the "caretaker", and we all want some 'say' over how this money is used: what kind of car a recipient drives, the value...


Easier Way to Remove Bandaids?

J.G. asks from Modesto

Hi Moms, I know someone will have a great trick for this: painlessly removing band-aids. We've had trauma every time I've tried to remove her band-aids from her i...


Ant Bites

L.F. asks from Charleston

My Grandaughter, who attends elementary school has skin issues to begin with, but she continues to come home with ant bites seems like everyday on her legs. i was all...


Medicine on Hand?

R.. asks from Chattanooga

I was told that it was a good idea to keep a generic allergy medicine on hand, in case my 11 month DD gets stung by a bee, bit by an ant, stuff like that. No one in m...


Camping with a Five Year Old...

N.P. asks from San Francisco

So, the last time I went camping I went with a friend's family in high school and we set up tents but I didn't have to worry about much of anything because my friend'...


Over Active Child

T.D. asks from Anchorage

I have a son who is 8 years old, he is in constant trouble at school and doesn't like to stay focused for long. He is a pretty hyper child just by nature, and I do no...


Looking for Addive on Cold Sore Prevention and Treatment

S.B. asks from Cleveland

My 6 year old step daughter recently just started getting cold sores. When she gets them they get really bad. They spread from one side of her lips to the other and...


My Niece Critcizes My Do I React?

J.H. asks from Phoenix

Hi everyone. After I typed this all out, I realized that I am getting sensitive over something a young child says and I really should not be bothered by it. However, ...


Allergy to Metal???

D.B. asks from Richland

Before I had my second baby I bought brand new jeans. I have always worn the same brand of jeans and these were just a new style they had come out with. When I became...


Wacky Hair Day...Suggestions Needed

K.S. asks from Minneapolis

This is a completely frivolous question! Friday is wacky hair day at my son's elementary school. Like most boys, my son has insisted on keeping his hair kinda shag...