When my children (boy/girl twins - 6 yeard old and my 10 year old son) fight with one another, they scream and hit each other, No matter how much I get onto them, ta...
Ok so i'm seriously at a loss. i'm seeking legal matters on most of this, part of which my dd (8) wants visitation lessoned because she is tired of being around her d...
My son is 4 years old and he is very active. The thing I'm wondering about is his "fighting". He is a fairly well behaved child, he has good manners and he does not h...
I have a 6 year old boy and an 8 year old girl. All they do is fight...or the eight year old is fighting with me. She never hears a thing I say unless its what she wa...
i have talked to my husband and he has aproved we can have another baby so im excited but since we made the decission we are fighting all the time. Never infront of o...
so i went outside to take out the trash this morning and my neghbours were outside fighting again........ they are always fighting weve called the cops on them so man...
Hi! i am wondering how i can get my husband to stop fighting with me in front of our son.he says things that i dont want my son to hear. he tells him hes moving out a...
My girls have played with bey blades in their kindergarten class. I guess there are two that the kids can use during 'free choice time', but no spinners or launchers ...
I have two sons who are five years apart in age. Our oldest is almost nine and our youngest is almost four. The two have a hard time playing together without fighti...
I have 4 1/2 year old twins that won't stop fighting. I am so exhausted/exasperated by the time they're in bed that I can barely move ... really! Some days feel like ...