Family Law: Older Child, Britax

Results 11-20 from 67 articles

New CA Car Seat Laws- a Little Vent

J.L. asks from Los Angeles

So i was just watching the news. On January 1 in the state of CA kids under 8 have to be in a booster. My oldest turns 7 in may. Last year on her bday she just got ou...


Rear Versus Forward Facing Carseat

M.F. asks from Salinas

I have a 16 month old daughter and I just got a new Honda minivan. I still have my daughter rear facing, and was planning on trying to make it to 2 but I am trying t...


Best AWD Car/ Minivan/ SUV for Three Young Kids?

C.P. asks from New York

We are looking to buy an AWD car or minivan that in which we can install three Britax Marathons, for our three kids (a toddler and two infants). We need a car that ca...


The Switch to Booster- What Do You Guys Think?

N.D. asks from Kansas City

Hi moms! I'm having mixed feelings. Is there ANY information out there about keeping a child in a 5 pt. vs. a booster seat when they are well over the age/weight re...


Traveling with Two in Car Seats

C.C. asks from Chicago

Hi. I have found lots of great tips on the site from moms who have traveled alone with 2+ kids (which has really boosted my confidence) but I have a few more questio...


Air Travel with a Toddler - Checking a Carseat

D.M. asks from Albany

I will be flying with my 2 year old daughter next week. It's a 3 hour, non-stop flight and I've read all the previous posts about air travel (entertainment, ear popp...


Help! Anyone Love Thier Stroller? How Do You Pick?

D.P. asks from San Francisco

And I thought having the baby would be the hard part! I had an easier time picking my last car than a stroller! I am pregnant and overwhelmed! I want something that w...


Car Recommendations for Seating 3 Kids

J.A. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, We have recently found out we are expecting #3. Surprise! All I can think about is how I'll need a new vehicle! You other moms of 3, can you please tel...


Do I Need a Minivan with Three Kids?

H.J. asks from Nashville

Hi, I have two kids (3.5 and 2) and a third one on the way. My husband thinks we need a minivan to fit all these people with car seats in a car... but I don't feel...


Car Seat Info - Need Larger Car Seat for 9 Month Old

L.N. asks from Chicago

I have a 9 month old that needs the larger car seat rear facing but I have a three year old in that car seat forward facing but we need two car seats for each car. I...