Eighth Grade: Older Child

Results 41-50 from 76 articles

97+ Percentile Growth a Problem?

S.F. asks from Chicago

My son is two and has been "off the charts" (over 97th percentile) in terms of height and weight (but not "overweight") since about 6 months old. (He is about 37.5 in...


Rant Against "Community Supplies"

M.B. asks from Austin

I will start by saying that my kids are out of school.... so I'm just a grouchy old lady who may not know what she is talking about! Anyway, I don't like the idea ...


13 Year Old - HELP!

M.H. asks from Los Angeles

Hi there - My 8th grader is on the verge of not getting promoted. His grades last semester ended with 3 - F's, 1 - D, 2 C's. I do not expect straight A's but these gr...


Uncontrollable Teenage Boy

K.P. asks from Omaha

I have a 14 year old son who is a freshman. He is a wonderful kid who is very intelligent. So, my problem, he won't do his school work, he lies about his school work,...


Asperger Syndrome and Auditory Processing Disorder

J.N. asks from Dayton

My 8 yr old son will be tested son for both. I was wondering what other moms noticed different about there child with either of these problems. And any good questio...


When Do Girls Start Shaving Legs?

E.C. asks from Boca Raton

My daughter just turned 11 yesterday and asked when she can start shaving her legs. It caught me off guard but I was trying to remember when I started shaving... I t...


Holding Back a "Young 4 Year Old" in School

L.A. asks from Chicago

Hello-- I recently sent my first child, my 4 year old son to preschool. He is a "young 4", meaning his birthday is June 27th so he's one of the youngest in his cl...


Letter Frm His Peers.

T.C. asks from Los Angeles

Today my son receive an unsign letter stating "I had a bad day, because Jackson is an "obscene name"." This really bummed him out, he want's to transfer schools. Any ...


Is It Anxiety or Not?? (5 Year Old Boy!)

J.F. asks from Cleveland

hello moms! Hope all is well. My youngest is 5 (boy)and started kindergarten a few weeks ago. He loves it and is doing very well. I was concerned at first with him...


Laptop for Kids?

A.W. asks from Chicago

My husband and I were talking about Christmas last night and he said he wants to get our daughter her own laptop. I said, yeah MAYBE she can have a laptop when she's ...