Eating Solid Foods & Weaning: Arms Reach

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16 answers

Need Help on Nightime Weaning!!!

I'm willing to try anything! While I don't expect my 4 month old to sleep through the night, she's consistantly getting up to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours like clockwork. Most of the time, it seems she's not really drinking much. I give her a bottle of formula right before bed at around 8:30 p.m./9:00 p.m., and then when she wakes in the night, I'm nursing her. But she only nurses for about 5 minutes before drifting off to sleep again. I have to get up for work at 5:00 a.m. every morning and with her schedule, she's getting me up at 4...

Dishes & Utensils

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87 answers

First Time Mom of 1 Week Old Baby Boy!

Help!!! I'm 40yrs old, first time mom of a (one week old) Baby Boy. Please, I need advise from all of the wonderful moms that have gone through the same thing of having a baby at my age. I'm still confused about: How many min./hours a new born usually sleeps during the day/night? How often to breastfeed and for how long? Is it okay to give some formula (at least once) at night so mommy can get some rest? Is it okay to let him sleep 3hrs or more during the day without breastfeeding? Also, I'm having a hard time staying awake at night...

Forbidden Foods

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6 answers

Out Growing Arms Reach Co-sleeper, What Now?

Our daughter is now 6 months and has been sleeping in an Arms Reach co-sleeper since birth and has always started out the night there except the first few weeks. She currently goes to bed in the co-sleeper at 7pm and is out relatively quickly unless she is having a bad teeth night or got over tired due to missing a nap during the day. I recently figured out how to nurse in bed on my side (about time!) and she wakes at about 4am to nurse and I have been bringing her into bed and feeding her and then she sleeps the rest of the night in bed...


The First Time

I'm going out for the first time since having my baby. You would think I...