Eating In: Infant

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12 answers

Not like to Cook

Hi, are there any mommies who do not like to cook (at all)!? If so, what do you do at meal times in your family? I am a first time mom with a 15 month old daughter who is slowly but surely getting very picky about food. Before having my daughter, I will occasionally cook for my husband or we will order take-out or just plain go out for dinner. I feel like I 'should' cook cause that is part of what a wife or a mommy does...but deep down, i know that i really don't like it and i get quite frustrated especially if i had a stressful day. I...


No Cook Camp Foods

My family camps pretty regularly. I can think of lots of meals to make over...

Cooking Gear

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13 answers

Help in the Kitchen!!

here is the problem point blank.... i have a husband and a 9 month old and dont know how to cook a thing. please send some easy recipes to help this kitchen idiot :) or any tips that are "must knows" for the kitchen. i HAVE TO START FEEDING MY FAMILY:) thanks

Grocery Shopping

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32 answers

Grocery Shopping with Newborn

I have a newborn and a preschool aged child. I know you are not supposed to clip the baby car seat on the front of the cart anymore (a child fell off and died). But how are you supposed to manage grocery shopping? I try to wait until my spouse gets home from work, but it is late in the evening and often hard to leave the house to go due to newborn care, bf, getting dinner finished, getting older child ready for bed, etc. Any advice?


Grocery Savings ??

I am looking for some suggestions or free websites to get coupons to save on...


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5 answers

Healthy Snack Recipes

I am soo sick of eating crappy most of the time. I am not a big fast food person but I still find ways to eat pretty lousy! LOL. Anyway, I want to start with some healthy snacks. I like to snack at night and I dont see that going away anytime soon. I found a delicious recipe for strawberry shortcake muffins and they are great! No flour, so gluten free and the main ingredients are oats and plain greek yogurt. At about 95 calories each they are a great snack and I feel satisfied afterward. I will post a link to the recipe in my SWH,...


Good Healthy Ideas!!

my husband and i live with my husbands family while he is in school, my...