Eating Habits & Schedule: Infant, Albuterol

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20 answers

Schedule a Doctors Appointment?

My 10 month old recently got over an ear infection. As soon as he was over the infection he got croup (there was an incidence of it at daycare). I read up on it, and basically read that you have to wait it out, humidifiers or an open window on a warm night help so I waited it out. Now his cough is getting worse, he's got snot in his nose and he's not eating or drinking as much (about 1 or 2 bottles a day, and maybe half or a full jar of baby food a day) which is very unusual for him. I'm worried that he's not getting what he needs or that...


My Baby Is Sooo Sick

ok i might be a little paranoid but my daughter is 5 months and she has had...