Digestion: Steroids

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88 answers

What Products to Use for an Infant Who Has a Rash

Hi I was wondering what products many of you recommend for an infant (2 month old) who has a very bad sandpaper like rash all over her body. Her back is actually peeling today since her skin has been so dry. I did take her to her Pediatrician who ruled out any illness. He stated it may be sensitive skin or she may be having a reaction to a food that I am eating as she also has very bad reflux along with it. I use dreft detergent on all clothes/linens that come into contact with her. I use Eucerin on her skin which does seem to help a...

Acid Reflux & GERD

See all 88 articles
12 answers

Asthma or Acid Reflux?

Okay, I asked all of you a question the other day about my almost 3 year old son and his severe cough but here is another... To give a little from the other question: My son has always gotten a bit of a cough when he runs around too much. Nothing bad. He has really bad seasonal allergies of which he has seen the allergist for and gets allergy meds for. For the last two weeks he has developed a severe cough. It's not all the time but when it hits he coughs so severely and for so long that he ends up vomiting all over the place. The...


Bowel Movements

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13 answers

Mysterious Respiratory Distress

My 7 yr old son was recently in the ER for breathing problems. They kept him in the hospital for 2 days & gave him albuterol & steroids until his oxygen levels were normal. He did not have pneumonia and he doesn't have asthma, but he does have allergies (dust, pollen etc.) What happens is sometimes when he gets a bad cold/cough he coughs so much that airways in his lungs start to get restricted and he can't get enough air. It sounds like asthma but it has only happened twice in two years, all the other times he has had a cold/cough his...

Crohn's Disease or Colitis

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14 answers

Does Anyone Have Any Experience with Crohn's Disease?

My husband just had surgery for a blockage in his intestines (they removed about 8 inches of his intestines) and the lab report came back that he has Crohn's Disease. He had had the same surgery about 24 years ago and wasn't diagnosed with Crohn's at that point but the doctors now feel he has had it all these years. I was wondering if anyone has experience with this. The medication people with Crohn's take all seem to have bad side effects. Everyone I tell about his diagnosis all have horror stories of people they know with Crohn's which...


Crohn's Disease Help

I am on a mission for my big sister who has a VERY severe case of crohn's...


See all 83 articles
37 answers

Anyone Else Encounter Normal Diarrhea in a 3-Yr-old for Weeks on End?

Hi Ladies, I am hoping to gain any helpful info for a friend whose daughter has had full-out diarrhea several times/day for the past 3-4 weeks. She has taken her to the pediatrician once and they said the daughter, Anna, is healthy and fine. She eats normal, sleeps pretty normal, is a happy child, but has had awful diarrhea now for almost 4 weeks. Has anybody seen or heard of this before? Is it normal? Any recommendations or insight would be greatly appreciated!

Spitting Up

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8 answers

Ughnasty Medicine. My 3 Year Old Spit All over Me.

Ok so he didnt really spit as he didnt keep it allin his moutgh and swallow it. his asthma has flared this week so the dr gave him some oral steroids to take. But they ares o gross. i wouldnt want to take it. i have tried it in juice.I hav tried holding him down. i cannot get him to take it. I have offered bribes with candy toys ice cream. nothign is working here. can any one help? i have even tried holding him down and squirting it in to his mouth. (thats how i got it all over me)


Awful Spit Up

I have a 15 week old who is always spitting up. She is a happy spitter and...


See all 114 articles
17 answers

Pulmicort/steroid Inhalers for 2 Year Old

My son just turned 2 on Saturday, and has yet another URI with fever and wheezing and his lungs are retracting again. I took him to the doctor this morning and he was prescribed Pulmicort along with his albuterol neb. I do agree it would help to take preventative measures since he gets sick so often, but I am concerned about him taking steroids for any length of time. We are going to start it today [2ml vial twice daily] and see the doctor again in a month to see how it's going. I read the list of side-effects, and I wish I hadn't, because...


Where Is My Pee?

So I had stomach flu Tuesday-Wednesday. Starting Wednesday night I was re...


Pee-pee on Clothes

I'm having trouble getting the pee-pee accidents out of the clothes and bed...


Protein in the Urine

I seem to be having a rough time with this pregnancy, even though I feel...


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11 answers

Help! Steroids Affecting Baby's Sleeping/eating

My 16 month old baby can catch the FLU and she can catch a COLD, but she just can't CATCH A BREAK!! She's so tiny and we're working with doctors to monitor her weight gain and she just keeps getting sick! ARGH! so frustrating I just want to cry! Anyways, she came down with a cold and developed croup, we took her to the ER Sun morning because she had stridor (straining to breathe in) and they gave her an oral steroid. It took almost 3 hours to get her to sleep last night, she was so WIDE AWAKE! And she would throw herself against the...