Diapers: Cosco Alpha Omega

24 answers

Car Seat Suggestions?

What is your favorite car seat? I need something EASY! My daughter will be 1 next month. I really don't want to spend $250 on a seat. THANKS!


Convertible Car Seat

My 4 1/2 month old son will soon be needing a convertible car seat. He is...

Disposable Diapers

See all 10 articles
35 answers

Looking for Experienced Users of Convertible Carseats and What You Recommend

My almost 10 month old is quickly outgrowing her Graco Safe Seat (lengthwise, not weight) and we have pretty much been leaving it in the car and just taking her out when we get places for about 3 months (or since it's stopped snowing :D). So I'm looking for a good, sturdy, longlasting (weight/height wise) car seat that can still face backward, as she's only in the 25th percentile for her weight. Any recommendations? Are there any I should steer clear of? Please tell me your good and bad experiences with different brand. I'm tired of...