Dehydration: Similac

Results 141-150 from 165 articles

Cronic Constipation?

A.M. asks from Salt Lake City

When my daughter was born I nursed her for about two months before I had to stop due to bad reflux. Then she started having constipation problems on the formula, we e...


Regaining Milk Supply

J.K. asks from Charlotte

My daughter is 9 weeks old. I have been breastfeed since she was born. In the past few days, my milk supply has decreased dramatically. I have rented a hospital pu...


Need Help with Formula Preparation

D.D. asks from Los Angeles

We are about to begin giving our preemie baby formula. She is 5 months old now, however, her corrected age is 1.5 months old. We still have some breastmilk to give ...


Cultural Differences and Dealing with Baby's Health Issues

C.C. asks from New York

Hello Moms, Ever since my baby started daycare in September, she has had several colds (three that were back to back). So we're dealing with a near constant runny ...



T.T. asks from Houston

My 7 Week old daughter is having problems with constipation. She is going 3 and 4 days without a bowel movement and by the 3 day strains and cries to try to have one....


Acid Reflux & Gas--AAAAHHHH!!!!

B.H. asks from Charleston

My 2 1/2 month old has always been fussy in the evening and very gassy. However,lately he's really struggling with breastfeeding as he's constantly pulling off, cough...


Tired of comments...but What to Say?

M.B. asks from Dallas

First of all, I am not trying to stir the pot here. I'm not trying to offend anyone, or start a debate. With that said, I am becoming increasingly annoyed with a ce...


Signs of Acid Reflux?????

C.E. asks from New York

My son just turned one month today. I think he may have some signs of acid reflux, but I'm not sure...we just changed his formula to Nutramigen. Does anyone have any ...


Milk Production

A.F. asks from Nashville

I've been breast feeding my daughter for 7 months. I either nurse her or I pump bottles for her to be fed while I'm away. I have had trouble with the amount of milk I...


Help My Niece Has a 4 Weeks Old Son, and Would like Feedback on the Following...

S.H. asks from San Francisco

My 20yrs. old, niece just had a son. He's 4 wks old. She is a first time single mom and she takes very good care of him, but she has a few concerns. Please HELP!!! ...