Colds: The First Years

Results 61-70 from 1,067 articles

Grandma's Fingers in Baby's Mouth

O.V. asks from New York

Love my MIL. She is helping us a lot with kids. Hate that she constantly puts her fingers into my 6 months old baby's mouth. The baby has been teething but she h...


I Don't Know If I like My Pediatrcian!!

H.P. asks from Lexington

Ok, so my son is now 6 months old and has been going to the same peditrician since he was born. He's been sick a lot. :-( My pediatrician always says he has a cold ...


Day Care

C.B. asks from Miami

I recently in January took my seventeen month old son out of in home day care to a facility so that he could get more of a social interaction, but since i have put hi...


17 Mo. Old Teething, Rough Cough, Sleep for Me.

M.B. asks from York

Hi, I have a 17 month old daughter, who is an angel sleeper. I read the book "12 Hours sleep by 12 weeks old" and have been truly blessed. Four weeks ago now, my da...


My 14-Month Old Boy Is Waking up Every Hour During the!

J.A. asks from Seattle

My 14-month old toddler is waking up almost every hour during the entire night. I know this is somewhat my fault since he co-slept with my husband and I for his firs...


Taking Away a Bottle! Help!

H.D. asks from Dallas

My son is 15 mo. old and I am desperately trying to get him to give up his bottle. I offer him sippy cups through out the day, have tried all kinds of things in the s...


Ear Infections

M.W. asks from Atlanta

My daughter has had an ear infection in each ear in the past 2 months. She has also been fighting a cold. In this past year of her life she has been on Septra, amoxic...


Rules Regarding Heating in Condo Units

V. asks from Chicago

Ok, so I got a Condo conversion unit two years ago and no big issues for a year or so. After that, a lot of issues started appearing here and there with at least two ...


Husband Problems:(

C.K. asks from New York

I have been married for 6 years now with three kids. Money is tight, kids are lots of work as we All know , but all we do is fight on a daily basis. Like today was c...


What Could Be Causing 10-Month Old to Have Congestion/runny Nose So Often?

D.B. asks from Dallas

My almost 10 month old son has yet ANOTHER round of congestion/runny nose. I would say about 60-70% of the time since he was born he's had this congestion/runny nose ...