Curious about what age toddlers/young kids start using blankets at night? This is not a question about safety - I know the AAP recommends no blankets before 12 months...
My daughter is 6 months and we're still swaddling her. She sleeps better, but now I'm worried that she'll get too used to it.When is too late to stop? I don't know if...
My daughter is a little more than 3 months old and she sleeps at night wrapped in a swaddle blanket (the miracle balnket). During the day she naps in a bouncy ...
I started using a blanket on my daughter at 6 months. Is this safe? One day during a nap it was wrapped around her head and she woke up in a panic. Most of the tim...
At what age did you let your infants sleep with a blanket? My 3 year old has always been a hot sleeper, so this did not come up with her. However my 8 month old son...
well my son is 4month and 2weeks old and from day one his has been sleepingin in are bed i want to put him in his crib but i have a fear of him not being warm enough ...
Hi all. I am a first –time mom, now single and raising a 2 ½ year old daughter that I adore. I have read some really great articles and Q&A’s on here that help...
I have a 4 month old son who was sleeping really well during the night. He was doing his last feeding around 10:00 and staying down until around 4:00. He would get ...
I have a three week old infant that sleeps swaddled. She won't fall asleep unless she has her legs swaddled tight. I am concerned about the risk of SIDS with the li...