Clothing: Lotrimin

Results 71-80 from 83 articles

Severe Eczema! HELP!

C.S. asks from Miami

My 1 1/2 year old little boy has severe eczema. It is all over his body and he scratches himself until he bleeds. The pediatrician has given me several different crea...


Bitter Ringworm Medicine - Intake Suggestions or Alternate Treament

A.D. asks from Raleigh

Hi Ladies, My 2 year old girl just got diagnosed with ringworm of the head. Least to say she has to take some oral medication (Griseofulvin) for 6-8weeks The medi...


Diaper Rash?

C.S. asks from Jacksonville

I'm just wondering about any other mom's with diaper rash experience. I'm not asking about what creams to use, etc., but in dealing with diapers. My 2yr old has dev...


Could It Be a Skin Condition?

S.H. asks from Wichita

My two year old has had "heat rash" all summer in the creases of her arms. It gets really red and itchy and the doctor said it was just heat rash. Well, shes had it a...


Natural Remedies for Red, Itchy Rash

S.R. asks from Sacramento

My 21 month old boy has this large red rash on his bum/lower back. It started out small and didn't bother him and it was getting better but just this morning I got h...



A.H. asks from Birmingham

Hello, My 6 year old son has had ringworm of the head several times. It started when he was 2 years old, and I'm sure it was from using clippers at the barbershop. ...


Diaper Rash

T.M. asks from Panama City

Hey moms, My 4 week old is now sleeping through the night PTL!! However, sleeping all night in a wet diaper has caused a terrible rash. It looks very chapped and r...


11 Month Old with Bad Eczema

J.T. asks from New York

Hello ladies, My 11 month old daughter has had eczema since she was 5 months old and I feel as she gets older, her eczema is getting worse. I've tried aquaphor, A&D ...


Unscented Diapers

J.M. asks from Salinas

My 9 month old daughter has a rash in her diaper area that I cannot seem to clear up. I've tried Desitin, Butt Paste, A&D, Resinol, you name it. She went to the docto...


Need Advice to Treat Skin Execma

E.B. asks from Kansas City

My son started getting rashes on his skin around 3 months. I've taken him to the doctor twice. The first time they told me it was execma and to put lotion on him to...