Children's Hospital: Toddler

Results 81-90 from 23,199 articles

Need Serious Advice on Vaccinations for My 12 Month Old

K.L. asks from Reno

My son is due for his 12 month well check, wherein he is supposed to receive his MMR and Varicella vaccinations. I am freaking out because of all that I've read abou...


Disciplining a 20 Month Old

J.C. asks from Chicago

My 20 month old daughter pushes our kitchen chairs all across the kitchen. I swear my chairs have more miles than my car. She gets on top of the counters and she is...


What Is a Good Hospital to Deliver a Baby in St. Petersburg?

D.H. asks from Tampa

My SIL needs to go to a good hospital or birthing center that has excellent staff and facilities. What are your recommendations and why?


New Baby & 17 Month Old!

C.S. asks from Dallas

Hello Ladies! Was wondering how some of you that have children VERY close in age have helped the other baby w/the transition??? We have a 17 month old that is the LI...


15 Month Old Not Very Verbal

A.B. asks from Lawrence

My 15 month old, Bella, is not very verbal at all. I wasn't really concerned about it until my boyfriend asked about it last week. "Does it seem like she should be ta...


19 Month Old Not Talking Much. Should I Be Worried?

L.S. asks from Dallas

My 19 month old does not say as many words as his ped. says he should. She says he should say about 20 words! wow! Even as a baby he didn't do much chooo-ing hes alwa...


Looking for the Best Hospital to Deliver a Baby

M. asks from Minneapolis

Hi, I was wondering if any of you had a strong preferrence toward which hospital is the best one to deliver at in the twin cities area, based on your own experiences....


I'm So Worried About My 22 Month Old

K.S. asks from New York

She was diagnosed with her third ear infection on thursday ( 3 days ago) her symptoms then were cranky, temp 101, runny nose and a loose cought she was started on am...


Baby Turning Blue/ Hospital Questions

L.S. asks from Atlanta

I wrote a post a few days back about my baby being in the hospital for whooping cough. I never knew how serious this illness is and how awful it is for infants... any...


Weaning My Enthusiastic 20 Month Old Breastfeeder

E.B. asks from Washington DC

I need some advice on how to wean my 20 month old by/around age 2. He really enjoys breastfeeding. He asks to be nursed with a very emphatic "Please". Then he gets...