Checkup: Melissa & Doug

13 answers

15 Month Old Question

My daughter is very well behaved, whines a bit but other than that, it is her passion for exploration where I am at a loss right now. She has exhausted all her resources at her ground level. I thought teaching her that was a challenge. Now she wants to constantly be picked up to grab all the remaining things she hasn't explored. The light switches, bahtroom & kitchen counter, dressers... The worst is I have a 4 month old so when she screams and cries because I tell her no, or walk away (sometimes I explain, others I say not toys) she wakes...

Normal Height & Weight

6 answers

MRT For Food Intolerance?

I think my 5-year old may have a food intolerance or sensitivity. He has 3-5 stomach aches/week, vomits for no reason 1-2 times/ month (usually during or after dinner), has terrible mood swings and tantrums in the afternoon/evening. He's also severly underweight (32 pounds - just 1 pound more than his thin 3-year old sister and in the 1 percentile) and also has painful elimination and constipation. He also had excema on his face for the first 6 months of starting solids (not to mention that was also when the monthly vomiting began). Oh, and...