Car Seats: BumGenius

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4 answers

HELP! My Dgt Has to Has DDH and Now Will Need a Spica Cast!!

Hey moms out there that have been where I'm sitting today... I'm so scared and worried and can't believe this is happening to us. My dgt is 5 1/2 months and we've known about her DDH from birth and have had two braces and things have looked good until today. She had a follow-up x-ray and her hip is dislocated. Her ortho doc is rec a closed reduction and spica cast when she is about 8 months. So, now that the news has set in, I have all sorts of logistical concerns. What is the best car seat for her? What do I feed her in? How will...


Re-using Pull Ups...

Say your child is pretty much potty trained, but you still don't *quite*...