Buying, Selling, Renting & Moving: Child, The First Years

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7 answers

5 Year Old Driving Me Nuts!!

I am babysitting a 5 year old and 5 monthold. I also have a 16 monthold. The 5 year old is driving me nuts becuase she never stops talking. I mean never. I can ask her to b quiet while i am on the phone or something and she usually well but not always. I do i deal with this without driving myslef crazy. Edited version I play with her all day long. We only wacht about 1 hour of tv a day and that is when i am cooking. I take all 3 kids out to do something fun and educational everyday. The talking is worse when she being stimulated. She...


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25 answers

How Do I Tell My 5 Year Old We Are Moving Out of State?

My husband has recently accepted a job in another state. My 5 year old will finish the school year and then we will move. We have tried to get him excited about getting a bigger house and that that might mean he gets to have a pet, more room to play, etc. Then I tell him that we might have to make new friends because bigger houses are farther away. He then will say that we can keep our old house because he wants to be near his friends. How and when do I tell him we are going? How do I help him make the transition?