My grandson has a hard time going to sleep at night. It is so frustrating. He was a drug exposed infant at birth and death in one ear(no ear canal opening). Do any...
My son is 3 years and 22 1/2 lbs. We need a way to get him to gain weight. We have tried everything from Pediasure with Duocal powder to adding butter to everything...
Need advice on how “hard line” I should be with my just turned 2 year old son who is a poor eater. He has always been a poor eater. Reluctant to try new food a...
I am a single parent and my son has been diagnosed with ADHD. He is having severe behavior problems in school as well as at home. His behavior is affecting him acade...
Hello There Wonderful Moms,
I have an interesting request: my 7 year old daughter has corns on her little toes, can you believe it being so young. I always ask he...
My 8 month old son has been sick since November of last year. He started out with a cold which lead to an ear infection in January and it continued until about last w...
My DD is 9 months old. I recently took her in for her 9 month check-up and she has only gained about 1 pound since her 6 month appointment. She has always been smal...
My 3 year old daughter says she doesn't want to poop so she holds it. She is potty trained for pee but now she doesn't want to poop in a diaper or on the toilet. It...
I feel so stupid asking this but... my daughter and I are both bored with all her toys and the same old activities we do together at home. We spend a lot of time ou...