My 17 month old granddaughter has been having poop problems for nearly 2 months. So help me, her poop is like goat pellets and is the most foul smelling I have ever s...
I am soooooo frustrated! My 4 month old son is not having regular bowel movements and no one seems to care! I've talked to my pediatrician and haven't really been a...
I breastfed for the first month and she had no issues. However, I had to have a minor surgery by emergency and I couldn't breastfeed any longer so she went of formul...
sorry for the gross title. But my 18 month old is on DAY FOUR of no poop (just little smears). She is holding it because it hurts to go because she has a fissure. I c...
My 3 month old daughter hasn't had a bowel movement in 7 days. She is breast fed and supplemented with formula 4-6 ounces per day. She is passing gas that is foul a...
Hi, I have a 4 and half month old son.I am trying to feed him rice cereal-he keeps spitting it.So I am mixing it with the Formula.He has become extremely gassy and is...
I recently just changed my 11th months old formula and she has been having green bowel movements, also with constipation and green stools. She wakes up at night screa...
My 12 week old (I can't believe its been that long) has never really had regular bowel movements. He doesn't have a bowel movement every day. He goes several days w...
My 2 month old has had hard stool for the past to days. We recently switched him from milk based to soy based formula because he was spitting up way too much with the...
Ok, maybe this first time mom just doesn't know what's normal....
My 5 month old baby girl just went to all formula. We had been doing some formula with breast mi...