Bottle & Breastfeeding: Elmo

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54 answers

Ambivalent About Breastfeeding

I haven't decided whether I want to wean my son, but I have been thinking about it more and more. I get frustrated often with nursing and am not enjoying it like I once was. My son is 18 months old, 32 lbs, and super tall for his age. He is incredibly smart and we have been learning about the potty lately and he is starting to talk all the time. At the same time he is teething continually it feels like and he has probably 8 teeth trying to come in right now. I know this is a time of intense change for him. Part of me wants to continue to...


42 answers

Bottle to Sippy

I need suggestions on transitioning from the bottle to the sippy cup. My daughter is 11 1/2 months old and I know its best to start trying to take the bottle away. I have been giving her a sippy cup with water in it at dinner every night for a few months. I have tried at times to give her her milk during the day in a sippy cup but she won't have anything to do with it and will whine until I put it in a bottle and then she will drink it. I'm not sure what to do!!

Eating Habits & Schedule

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36 answers

At What Age Is a Good Age for Bottle Breaking?

My son just turned 13 months and still takes a bottle 4 times a day(morning, noon, evening and before bed). During meals and throughout the day he does take a sippy cup with either water or juice. Recently I've had friends tell me I should take the bottle away from them because that is what they did with their children before they were turned 1. I don't put my son to bed with his bottle, but he like to sit and cuddle with his elmo and have a bottle of milk before we get ready for bed. He has been taking a sippy cub since he was about 6...