Birthday: Adult Child

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14 answers

B-day Gift Idea

My daughter will be two in a couple of weeks. I also have a four year old girl and I am at a dead end as to what to get my youngest for her b-day. We live in a townhouse and would like to do outdoor stuff but kinda stumped and was wondering if anyone had any neat/not to expensive ideas. They have tons of baby stuff etc. Also if anyone has any ideas for a really neat b-day party but also inexpensive.


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21 answers

Gift-giving to Older Nephews and Niece

Hi, moms. Wondering if any of you have some suggestions on how to handle this. I have two siblings. My sister has twin 7-yr-old stepsons. My brother has two sons, 18 and 21, and one daughter, 15. About five years ago, we stopped exchanging gifts among the adults and agreed to give gifts only to each other's kids. I'm not very close with my brother or his family -- we've always lived at a distance (13 hours away) and I see them once or twice a year. Same with my sister. My dilemma is this, at what age is it appropriate to stop giving...