Hello "Mamas"! My son will be turning two in a couple of wks and my husband and I are considering getting him a balance bike. These are little bikes w/o pedals. Th...
We gave our son a bike with no training wheels for his 7th birthday. Dad took him out this past beautiful weekend to attempt to learn. On his first go round he took...
My 11 1/2 month old has always been a bottom scooter. He sat up early at around 5 months but then it wasn't until 9 months that he started scooting around on his bott...
Mamas & Papas-
Is there a bike that converts and converts and converts some more? from trike to balance bike to bike, to bike with brakes? We already have a radio...
We got my DD one of those little bikes with training wheels for her 2nd birthday a few months ago. So far, she has been more interested in sitting on it and twisting ...
What kind of bike should I get my 3yr old, who turns 4 in January? I am debating on the Big Wheels type versus a small bike, with training wheels. I like that the B...
The Easter Bunny wants to bring a bike for my three-year old son. Any suggestions as to which kind? Balance bike, tricycle, or just a kids bike with training wheels??
Kiddo's sixth birthday is coming up. He's been on a scoot bike for about a year now-- wasn't interested before that point-- and he's really maxed it out. It's way too...
Hi mamas
I need to vent and also seek advice. So today after picking the kids from class I was coming out from the parking lot towards the street which was one way....
Does anyone have a recommendation for a great and safe scooter for my 3 year old son? He is outgrowing his little tricycle and I"m thinking of getting him a scooter f...