My husband, my neighbor, my daughter, and I have tried to teach my son how to ride his bike without training wheels. All of us have been working for two spring/summe...
My daughter is turning 4 next month. She's been riding a trike for 2 years now and we want to move on. I've heard great things about balance bikes or gliders, bur m...
Our daughter turns 3 in May, and we are thinking about buying her a bike with training wheels? My husband thinks we should wait until she is a little older. Does an...
my sons 4th birthday is comming up and i was thinking about getting him a bike that has training wheels. i was wondering if 4 is to young should i want a couple years.
i'm looking for something that my 20 month old can do to expell some of her energy. she loves sports but she cant do any sports until shes 3 or older is there any thi...
My 18 month old is not yet walking. She pulls up easily, she will walk holding our hands, but her balance is not very confident. She crawls all over the place, but ...
We recently got my daughter a two wheel bike with training wheels for her 3rd birthday. She likes the idea, but is a little hesitant to use it too much, and sometime...
My daughter is turning two and we were thinking about getting her a balance bike for her birthday. She's very coordinated and loves to be active -- I was wondering i...
Ok moms, what are some of your tips/tricks on getting my almost 5 yr old daughter to ride a bike without training wheels? Seems like all her other friends (same age)...