4 is a great time for a first bike. We have three boys, and they each got their first bike at age 4. They were just old enough to ride it without a lot of help/teaching. It is a fun age for it. Enjoy it.
my sons 4th birthday is comming up and i was thinking about getting him a bike that has training wheels. i was wondering if 4 is to young should i want a couple years.
Thanks so much for all your help...i went shopping for bikes and there not as expencive as i thought they would be...found a hot wheels one he will love it...
4 is a great time for a first bike. We have three boys, and they each got their first bike at age 4. They were just old enough to ride it without a lot of help/teaching. It is a fun age for it. Enjoy it.
Last summer we got one with training wheels for my daughter when she was 3 1/2, and she could do it with a little help. This summer I think she'll be ready to ride it on her own with no problem. I think 4 is the perfect age for a "big kid" bike!
I agree with Diane 4 is old enough. My kids had their bikes when they were 3 years too. In fact my friends son was riding his 2 wheeler just before his 4th birthday!!!!!You will be the coolest mom for giving him a bike for his birthday.
We got our son a bike when he was 3. Just make sure it is the right size and he'll be fine.
My daughter was not yet 3 when she got her bike with training wheels (the smallest size frame available!) I would go to an actual bike store, like a Schwinn or My Bike in Tinley--they'll be able to recommend the best size and type for your son. They can also show you how to properly fit his helmet.
I bet he'll love it!
My daughter was riding without training wheels a month before she turned 4, so nope, not too early at all! The sooner they start the better they do, and most 3 yr olds can easily peddle a bike. When you go to pick one out, have him with you. Not all 12 inch bikes are the same height at the bar inbetween the legs. And some pedal easier then others. Make sure it's small enough that his feet can be FLAT on the ground, that will make him more comfortable and more likely to go to two wheels sooner. If you buy it small enough then the next year she can do no training wheels easily cause his feet will be on the ground securely and he won't get afraid.
Now would be the perfect time. By the this time next year he'll be ready to get rid of the training wheels. We lived in an apartment when my oldest son was this age so he was a little behind in the bike riding department(for safety reasons). When we moved to a house all his friends were riding with no training wheels and it took him a little while to get rid of the training wheels and feel as confident on his bike as his peers.
P.S. Don't forget to buy him a helmet for his new bike!
Hi J., Iam with the other moms. Both of my boys got bikes when they where 3 and my oldest learned to ride without the training wheels by the time he was 4. He will just love that bike and really know he is a "big boy" now. Like one of the other moms said, make sure the bike is the right size, otherwise he won't feel comfortable on it. Good Luck!
He's definitely not to young for a bike. Make sure that it is a 12", maybe 14", bike. It all depends on how tall your son is. My son got a 12" bike when he was 3 years old. He was riding a two-wheeler before he turned 5. Get it for him, he'll love it!
No - it's not to early at all. We bought our son his first big boy bike for his 3rd birthday (very small frame - built for that size kid)... it had training wheels... he was off like a rocket on it. It's amazing how well they can ride at such a young age. Now that he's almost 4 - we're ready to just put the seat up higher because he's grown so much in a year. By next year - he'll need a bigger bike!
Not too young at all. My boys got their first "real" bike at 4 years old. It was the small 16" bike with training wheels, perfect size for that age. Graduated them to the larger at 8 years old. So you will get a few good years out of it.
My daughter has been on a bike with training wheels starting at around 3 1/2 maybe 4. My brother next to me and I both learned to ride an adult bike without training wheels (it was my mother's old bike) when we were five. My little brother learned to ride one of our old bikes without training wheels when he was three. Only difference is we lived in the country on a dirt road. We rode in our yard or on the gravel circle that went around the trailer park we lived in when I was five...then the dirt road in the neighborhood we moved to when my little brother was a baby.
They make helmets, knee pads and elbow pads that small. He will be fine. Mommy needs to close her eyes and let her little man get an ouwie or two. In my opinion, nothing worse than a sissified boy. Encourage him to jump on that bike and go.
Get him a big boy bike with flames on it, noise makers on the wheels, a loud horn, with all the racing gear and then let him loose. He will love it!!!
i say go for it! my son has had a bike with training wheels since he was 3. i too was a little worried at first but he jumped right on it without thinking twice.
ps-happy birthday to your son!
Our little guy turns 3 in April. We got him a bike last summer. He rode it around in our house over the winter. Now he rides outside to the park and around the subdivision. The bike has training wheels and he does great! I say go for it!! You'll be amazed how quickly they catch on!
If you get a small enough bike-12 or 14 inch-your son should be able to do it. My little girl learned how to ride a two-wheeler before she turned 4, but she'd been using a 12" with training wheels for almost 2 years by then.
Four is definitely not too young for a bike with training wheels. My nephew got his first "big boy" bike at 2. Last summer, before he turned four, my sister took off his training wheels and he was off like a rocket!
My kids all rode 2wheelers when they were 3 because (this is key) they started on the 12 inch wheels so they were so close to the ground and it was so easy. The bike we used I bought at a garage sale for 3.00. Then a year or two later I bought a bigger bike that was used for a longer period of time.
I had training wheels the Summer I was 4. I was riding 2 wheels before I turned 5 in Nov. My oldest and daughter both knew how to ride 2 wheelers at 5. It is just this young one, the baby who is now 6 and still can't ride one. Go with you Motherly instincts. Only you truly know your child and what is best for them.
its not too young!my daughter who is now 5 learned how to ride a bike without traing wheels when she just turned 4 but every kid is different. let him ride the bike with training wheels then maybe take them off when he is comfortable
My boy had a bike at 4 and did just fine. As long as it's the right size for him there's no problem. You'll probably have to get a bigger 2 wheeler in a few years.
If you want him to learn how to ride a two-wheeled bicyle, don't get one with training wheels. A more appropriate way for him to learn balance would be on a scooter first, then graduate to a bicycle. So, maybe a nice scooter and helmet for his fourth b-day instead, IMHO.
I have 2 boys. They both learned to ride bike at the same time because they are only 15 months apart. They were 3 and 4 when they rode with training wheels and 3 1/2 and almost 5 without training wheels. My daughter was 3 1/2 with training wheels but she didn't like it too much. She was 5 without training wheels and loved it. I would definitely have your son try it. If he is around any other kids that ride, he will probably want to ride too. You can get the little 12 inch bike and it is almost like a trike it is so small.
In my experience as a mother of 4 children, 3 of them boys, I would suggest starting with a tricycle. Most 3 year olds have to master how to move the pedals and understand turning the handles, and sometimes find a bike as large as them intimidating. In the end results have not been that pleasant, with me (or you) carrying the bike, instead of them riding it.
4 is the perfect age to get him his own bike with trainers. My kids had the little ones (10 inch I think) at 3 yrs. Just make sure you get the correct size per his height. 10 to 12 inches should fit him fine.
My oldest son got his 2 wheeler when he was 3 and because he wanted to be like the neighborhood kids so badly, he learned how to ride without training wheels at 3 1/2. Go for it, get him the big boy bike!!!
I bought my sons their first bikes at 3 and 4 years old, and they loved it. The only difference I bought bikes that fit their size. Enjoy, your son will love it!