Behavior: Toddler, Aquaphor

Results 31-40 from 62 articles

Sore Bottom

J.C. asks from Roanoke

My daughter has been complaining that her bottom hurts both when she poops and when she pees. I've had her at the doctor twice and they have tested for bladder infec...


Has anyone had any experience with neocate formula?

S.D. asks from Chicago

Hi, My 4 1/2 mo old daughter has an exczema like rash that comes and goes. My husband too her to the Dr. for her 4 mo checkup & asked him about it. Dr. said it coul...


Nose Picker

M.P. asks from Portland

My son has decided that he likes to put his finger up his nose ALL the time. It has gotten to the point where he is giving himself nose bleeds. I try to tell him no, ...


Eczema AD

M.W. asks from Tulsa

I was wondering if anyone had any advice on dealing with Eczema AD? My son is 4 months now & we just went to the dermatologist. He told us waht products to use & cr...


5Yo Keeps Licking Lips and Are Badly Chapped! Any Suggestions, Besides Chapstick

J.S. asks from Sacramento

I have a 5 yo stepson who keeps licking is lips, but its not so much his lips that are chapped, but the area above and below his it looks like he has a must...


Question About Excema and Allergies

B.B. asks from Rochester

My 3 year old daughter has had excema and allergies since birth. They both get pretty bad, especially right now. I am planning to take her to an allergy specialist. H...


Eczema Nightmare

E.M. asks from Los Angeles

Moms, I am at my wits end over my son's eczema problem (he is 5). For the past two years, the skin on the palm of his left hand has been (still is) cracked. Separa...


Eczema Help!

M.B. asks from St. Louis

Hi Ladies! I really dont know what to do. My daughter has excema only in the summer and it gets quite bad. Yesturday I would say it was probably the worst its ever...


Pre-Schooler Won't Stop Picking Her Nose.

J.B. asks from Los Angeles

My 4 year old daughter won't stop picking her nose. We explain to her that it is disgusting, spreads disease, and that she will be made fun of by other kids if she d...


Thumb Sucking

E.C. asks from Bloomington

My 5-month old sucks his thumb, refuses a pacifier. He only sucks on his right thumb and it is now red, dry and raw. I'm contiunally putting Aveeno lotion on it, bu...